IGP-Baronne de Friguiagbé" awareness campaign for stakeholders

An awareness-raising campaign is in full swing in the geographical area of the Baronne de Friguiagbé PGI.

The aim of these awareness-raising sessions is to inform the various groups about the content of the Cahier des Charges, the cultivation techniques and the associated advantages, so that they can be properly absorbed and adapted in the field.

the Baronne de Friguiagbé is one of the pilot products selected for Geographical Indication registration under the second phase of the project (PAMPIG2).




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« 10ème Assemblée générale Ordinaire du Groupement IGP Poivre de Penja»

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«3000 arbres plantés pour préserver la forêt de Kilum-Ijim. »
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«3000 arbres plantés pour préserver la forêt de Kilum-Ijim. »

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