on Geographical indications

Since 2019, OAPI has had a Training Plan on the development of Geographical indicationin favor of PGI players IGPThis plan is based on the following 6 offers:

- Training through action

- African GI training

- National seminars with a regional focus

- Licence professionnelle "Qualités et territoires" (not yet launched)

- Support for research into geographical indications as part of existing degree courses

- Participation in international training courses on geographical indications.

Schéma: Formation sur le développement des Indications Géographiques

Africa GI Training

the training called "African training on geographical indications or « Africa GI Training » in english , The "Africa GI Training" is a certification course specializing in the development of the geographical indications system in Africa.

Training through action

Action-based training programs are aimed primarily at producers and other leaders of groups representing Protected Geographical Indications. They aim to provide simple explanations and practical GI management tools to professionals who produce, process or market PGI products.

Thematic seminars

Also known as national seminars with a regional focus, thematic seminars are organized within the framework of the programs of the Denis Ekani Academy of Intellectual Property (APIDE), around a theme and in a member state. Participants are national or regional officials, with a few guests from neighboring countries

training in communication tools

Training on the use of the IG collaborative platform is an initiative of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).

This training aims to improve the communication and promotion strategy for PGI products.

 Plusieurs thématiques sont disponible.